Demographics for Chiropractic marketing in 2022

Demographic Marketing for Chiropractors in 2022

Chiropractic Tutorial - Tips for finding new customers

Using your benefit marketing tools you can grow your customer base by knowing your demographics and finding the features that relate.

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You want your business to be successful. I get it, so do I. It is always best when you have loyal customers, but the question is how do you find those long term customers? This tutorial is going to show you how to take your features and benefits and set them to specific demographics and products. A perfect marriage of these two makes for long-term customers that are willing to tell their friends and family how great you are. Let's call this "word of mouth" marketing.  When you know the tools and rules of chiropractic demographic marketing you have the information to conquer chiropractic marketing in 2022. In this tutorial, we will be using trends and social profiling to define demographics to help locate your perfect customer, at the right place and at the right time. The converting hook you use comes from step three when you inspire and educate them. Let's get started with demographic marketing.

What Are Your Demographics

According to Demographics are statistics that describe the characteristics of a population, such as age, sex, race, family size, and income.

This is the perfect technical definition but we really need to look at this from a different angle. Let's take the demographic of age. This can be from 0 to over 100. And if we have a service to offer anyone in this age group that would be incredible, but how do we know? If someone is suffering from a sports injury, obviously they would be defined not only by their age but their activity level. How we treat their injury would be different from that of a pregnant mother. In this case, we need to find a service that benefits someone with a sports injury. This is how to benefit marketing for chiropractors begins, with a list of services and their benefits or features.

Benefit Marketing for Chiropractors

For the most part as a chiropractor, you are service-based. Your product is what you can "do" for someone to solve a "problem" they may have. With that information in mind, can you list those services based upon the benefits and features? Does your practice have specialized machinery for a specific service? This would be both a feature and a benefit. What is the perfect patient to benefit from this machine and the service provided along with it? When you arm yourself with tools that are specific to your and your practice you can define whether we need to know the age of our prospective customers. If this is important, we can find the best tool to do this.

Chiropractic Marketing Strategies

When it comes to demographics, you won't find just one tool that is the silver bullet. It takes a combination of tools and insights to create a complete idea of where your next loyal customer is hiding. One of my favorite tools to get started doesn't give any big details but a general idea.

Google is your go-to guide for all things keywords, in this case, we want to take the keyword that best describes a benefit, feature, or service and try and connect it to a specific city or state, and month of the year. For example, riding a bike in Utah is going to be hard to do in January or February. But riding a bike in Arizona during the same months is ideal. Match that information up with an ideal service on your offerings list and you get an idea of who you think your customer target is going to be.

Facebook Insights

You probably have access to many kinds of insight reports, they are on Google analytics and ads, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. You will want to find the one that best fits your personal skill level. You will be checking your insights for more specifics such as age, income, location, and more. By fitting your insights with your trends, alongside your product offerings, you can now draw a map of who and where you need to focus on when filling out the demographics section of your 2022 marketing plan.

When you have a detailed marketing plan that has complete information such as "demographics for benefit marketing", creating the content, advertising and promotions define themselves.

Take the time now to do the research acknowledge your benefits for marketing and put all of the puzzle pieces together for a successful 2022. Good luck and as always if you need help getting started, Marketing Health Academy is here for you.


March 2025

Tips for Demographics for Chiropractor Marketing in 2023 Read More »

Chiropractic Strategic Marketing for 2022

Chiropractic Strategic Marketing for 2022

Another year has come and gone! With the seemingly unending pandemic, constant change and uncertainty means that business growth can still be a bit rough. Not to fear ... all is not lost! The sun is shining in the sky, and each new day continues to dawn. With some strategy, and some creativity, growth is right around the corner. The team at Marketing Health Academy has eagerly been doing the research and tweaking 2022 marketing plans to help you keep on track and build on your chiropractic practice. Chiropractic marketing in 2022 is looking good!

Constructing solid Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) in the coming year needs to be built around a specific set of marketing functions: Chiropractic Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and specialized techniques, and chiropractic social media marketing and knowing how to use it for Communication, Education and Inspiration ... Accomplishing all this while keeping your marketing costs down! Easy enough, right? This is where we can help! When you are ready we'll also show you how the new Google techniques and paid advertising will create inbound customers.

This year we will use the Agile Marketing method to evaluate and grow our marketing and our business.

What is 2022 Chiropractic Marketing?

The time has come to have some fun with your marketing to reach new customers! People are tired and bored (just a couple of side effects of a pandemic). They want to be inspired. People are looking for new routines in their lives as they begin to get back into the in-office work life, increased commutes and travel, and evolving family time. For those who have been sitting on the sofa or in their makeshift work-from-home office, new and fun ways to stretch are a growing trend. As we get into the swing of a new normal life, we find that we have less time for things we recently had more time for. Your customers are looking for inspiration in what the new normal will look like. When you offer Information, Education, and Inspiration in your marketing, you become the expert in your field. They look up to you and your advice. This year is the time to look past a traditional practice and on to an inspired practice.

Chiropractic Marketing Plan

The ability to become a strategic marketer is in the details. When you create a chiropractic marketing plan of action to follow, and then initiate your plan, you will have stepped beyond what most have been doing for years.

In the past, websites were simple and didn’t have to be strategic in order to outpace the competition. Now, not only do they have to be 100% SEO optimized, but they have to be a tool for information and inspiration in your marketing strategy.

The 2022 buzzword is "CRO". Conversion Rate Optimization has been around for years, but now it has a sophisticated name! Your CRO is all about ROI, with a few twists and turns. You can read about that in more detail on our blog. The important things that you need to know however, will all be in your chiropractic marketing plan. Think of your marketing plan as your pirate treasure map (written in a code that only you understand) that you follow on a step-by-step basis with activities, growth factors, ROI, and the ability to change tasks without halting the whole process, saving money and time and avoiding mistakes.

Chiropractic SEO

When talking about chiropractic SEO we are not just talking about a website ... we are talking about every part of our digital presence. It is important to remember that SEO is found in every nook and cranny of your brand. Consider even your logo and your domain name: Did you know that you can find SEO even in the most unique places within your brand?

Think of your website as the hub of your SEO, the place where it all intersects. Newly added landing pages for your marketing funnel and business growth must be optimized for that branch of growth to continue, even after you are done with a campaign. Blogs have been all the buzz for years, and the fact is they don’t have to be a bunch of groundbreaking articles. You can use blogs as a very useful tool to grow your keywords. You can evolve them by turning them into videos, and further push promotional details.

Optimization branches into all digital aspects, including into your social media. Link building has been an essential must-do for a long time. However there are rules that you must follow in order to create a successful link-building campaign for optimal SEO. Otherwise you run the risk of getting banned from Google and other big search engines. Lucky for you, Marketing Health Academy is at your fingertips for guidance!

Chiropractic Social Media Marketing

In 2022 your social media will take on a whole new purpose. Chiropractic social media marketing has changed for the better. In the past, paid advertising on social media was a go-to quick fix to sputtering inbound website traffic. In 2021 this trend slowed to a turtle's pace (we're assuming that is slow). That doesn't mean paid social media ads do not have great value. It means you have to be more strategic about it. When you learn the tips and tricks of social media and you put them all together, they will work with each other for much better performance and higher probability of CRO.

The biggest trick you will learn is using your various media to tease back and forth in place of spending needlessly on digital ads. Think of it as a tradeoff: Spend less money and get a marketing superhighway!

The biggest components of social media marketing for 2022 is doing your market research, and getting comfortable with the program(s) that will work best for you. It is important for you to understand if Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc., should be your marketing niche. When it comes to social media, follow the concept of “work smarter, not harder”.

Chiropractic Video Marketing

Video marketing has become a huge toolbox asset for 2022. Consumers want to be educated and inspired, and video is the present consumable platform. This does not mean you have to become a slave to video marketing. Afterall, video production can be expensive. Some videos can be simple animated recipes that can be created as a basic slideshow. Consider creating spinal friendly stretch instructionals that you don’t time for during live appointments. You can post such videos on your social media and your website, and even email them to your contact list. By doing this you are providing valuable information to your clients as well as to potential clients.

Organization and consistency: this is the simple trick to keeping up with the ever changing marketplace, and understanding how to keep your practice steps ahead of the competition. When you take a moment to convert your current marketing practices into Marketing Health Academy's “The Marketing Circle'' you are immediately implementing organization and consistency. Marketing Health Academy is your complete marketing resource!

Chiropractic Strategic Marketing in 2022 Is Growing Up Read More »

What is Conversion Rate Optimization

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You may not realize it, but CRO is everywhere in your marketing. Whether you are a marketing powerhouse or a small chiropractic business, your conversion rate optimization is not only a key performance asset but a profit-building technique!

As a chiropractor, using the Marketing Health Academy strategic chiropractic marketing plan sets you up to define what your final results should be, as well as creating marketing funnels for a more clearly defined pathway to help get you there.

Paid Content

What is Conversion Rate Optimization Read More »

Marketing Plans for Chiropractors

7 Rules of a Chiropractic Marketing Plan

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Strategic marketing is a mixture of math and science, adding just the right dose of social media. The details of a chiropractic marketing plan are based upon the following concepts.

That leads us to the 7 rules that should be set specifically for chiropractic marketing. Let’s get started with an understanding of what strategic chiropractic marketing plans are. Step into the lab and put a little bit of math with a little bit of science and put it into a beaker and shake well (These are your KPI’s). Then take a pinch of social science and drop it in. The reaction you see is your strategy and results. The more precise your KPI’s are the bigger your reaction. Your beaker in this scenario is your marketing plan. The more detailed and precise your plan is the higher your chances of an impressive reaction.

  1. Demographics, terms, markets, and trends.

On top of every marketing plan, you need a goal. When setting goals, try creating with smart goals. These help you create plans that any person on your team can follow easily. Demographics help you determine who you are targeting, where you will target them, and what will peak their interests. What are the markets and trends that will give you the biggest return and the term you are willing to follow to get there?

Your terms are the promotions, the inspirations, the educational material, and any other items you need to build interest in.

When you are creating your plan, you should note such things as landing pages, keywords, hashtags, and specialized images.

  1. Social Media Campaigns and Communication

In successful marketing you don’t use social media to promote sales, you use it to create communication between you and your followers, prospective followers, and even your critics. You can turn even negatives into positives with your social media plan. I very seldom pay for ads on most social media platforms as the ROI just isn’t there anymore to warrant it. But hashtags marketing is still a hit and I use it for everything. (TIP:

  1. Google

Don’t leave out one of the top tools in your toolbox. Google My Business and Google Merchant. My marketing plan usually has a whole section dedicated to these tools because of the power they provide in business growth. As a chiropractor, I can’t imagine not utilizing this tool weekly.

Now that your marketing plan has a general direction to go, the time has come to add the science and the math. This information will provide you with a detailed direction based upon facts.

  1. KPI’s from past years and months

As a business, you may not have KPI’s in detail from the past years or even the past month. If this is the case, you need Marketing Health Academy. This information lets you know what worked, and what didn’t. It keeps you from spending money needlessly. In my KPI’s I even keep track of the increase/decrease in social media followers. If they are dropping you know that your content doesn’t relate to them. It is time for a change.

  1. Paid Advertising

If everything is set up correctly you should know where to put your money, and how it will affect your bottom line. Soon we will look at marketing funnels, and this is part of the top tier of your marketing funnel.

  1. Blogs and Video

Chiropractic marketing has 2 essential tools for growth, and both of them create either educational material or inspiration. If you don’t have the e-book yet, now is a great time to download it. These are so important in your marketing that they have their own section in the 5 tiers. Beyond education and inspiration, they are vital to SEO in building links and promoting keywords. I’m sure you have heard that content is key, although a small exaggeration, content does cover multiple areas of a successful digital business.

I would also like to point out that due to the pandemic, having part of your business digitally available is going to increase in importance more in 2022 than it did in 2021. We were all still trying to figure out how this would work as the pandemic took hold. Now that we have an understanding of how to be a digital chiropractor, we need to promote it.

  1. Marketing Funnels

The last tool you should place in your marketing plan is the funnel. All of the previous information can now be placed in a chart that you follow. Make sure you follow the last tier in “The Marketing Circle”, and keep frequent information about how each of these is working. The evaluation phase. If you keep current KPI’s you can prevent an expensive error from happening.


Marketing Funnels for Chiropractors

This information is at the core of your chiropractic strategic marketing and should be given the time that it takes. At Marketing Health Academy we have a package for every situation to help you along. Appointments are available on Facebook if you want to talk to someone about your specific situation.

March 2025

7 Rules of a Marketing Plan For Chiropractors Read More »

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