Google Marketing and the use in Chiropractic Marketing

How To: Google Marketing with Google Reviews

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In today's digital world, online reviews are king. They hold immense power, influencing where we shop, eat, and even which doctor we see. When it comes to your business, Google Reviews are a goldmine you can't afford to ignore. But why exactly are they so important, and how do you get more of them?

The Power of Positive Reviews

Think of Google Reviews as virtual word-of-mouth recommendations. Potential customers are constantly searching online, and positive reviews act as a glowing endorsement, building trust and credibility for your business. Here's how they benefit you:

  • Increased Visibility: Businesses with more reviews tend to rank higher in Google searches. This means more potential customers will see your listing, leading to more website traffic and footfall.
  • Boosted Sales: Studies show that customers are more likely to choose a business with positive reviews.
  • Builds Trust: Positive reviews showcase happy customers, giving potential customers confidence in your brand.
  • Improves Customer Engagement: Responding to reviews (both positive and negative) shows you care about customer feedback and fosters a sense of community.

How to Encourage Google Reviews

Now that you know the power of Google Reviews, let's explore how to encourage customers to leave them:

  • Make it Easy: Include a "Leave a Google Review" button on your website and social media pages. You can also create a custom Google review link to share directly with customers.
  • The Right Time: Don't be shy about asking for reviews! The ideal time is right after a positive customer interaction, like a completed purchase or resolved issue.
  • Respond to All Reviews: This shows you value customer feedback, good or bad. Address negative reviews professionally and offer solutions. Thank customers for positive reviews and highlight specific details they mentioned.

Building a Strong Online Reputation

Google Reviews are a powerful tool for building a strong online reputation for your business. By understanding their importance and implementing these strategies, you can encourage more customers to share their positive experiences, leading to increased visibility, trust, and ultimately, more success for your business.

Here are a few of our suggestions:

If you offer your customers a bottle of water, put a QR code on it and stick it on every bottle.

Put business sized cards on the reception desk with a QR code.

Put links on your social media, and so much more.

Jumping into Google Business

Let's take a moment and jump into Google Business. When you have a local business you want to build a local community. Today let's just look at a few things that are new that can help you build your community.

I assume you have a Google Business profile, now called Google Maps. You can find a direct link inside of your Google account.

Finding Google Business in your Google Account. Build your chiropractic marketing with marketing health academy

Google Business inside your Google account


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Chiropractic Marketing Predictions for 2023

With the start of a new year, chiropractic marketing techniques and strategies begin moving in new directions. Just when we thought we were getting a new understanding of previous techniques, the job market is changing. Amazon is laying off and talk of another recession is everywhere. Consumers are finding new ways of researching and locating services. Social media is a political showdown and yet, our chiropractic strategic marketing techniques continue to build, grow, and change with current trends and needs. Automation is the trend of the future. The time is coming when Alexa (or some advanced form of it) will not only answer our morning questions about the weather forecast and play music from our favorite artists, but it will manage our calendars, provide insightful and personalized information, and have the capability to predict what and where we should target our marketing. All of this is based on a new data methodology. The data methodology has been the focus of our Marketing Circle for years, so it seems that technology is catching up to us.

It also seems that we need to create new updates to the circle in order to stay ahead of the curve. Our 2023 updates are in the works right now, so get ready to update to the new version.

With constant changes in chiropractic marketing techniques and strategies, how do we determine what is, or is not, important to our industry? Nobody can predict the trends of a new year and a new business cycle, but we can evaluate what is happening now and make short-term predictions based on these occurrences. Now you more clearly see the importance of the increased need for valuable data.

As we go through predictions and updates in marketing, remember that consumers are more reluctant today than before to give up their personal data. Therefore, marketing is going to be more focused on direct communication and building trust.

Recession-proofing your business

The buzzword of late has been recession. It’s not our job to determine if it is coming or not, but rather how to deal with it, or even avoid it, if it comes. Health and wellness is listed as an essential business classification. Consumers cannot live without it. Because of this, patients are more fastidious about choosing their providers. Your task is to not just provide but to accentuate the features and benefits of the services you offer that are essential to health and wellness.

The most successful alternative medical providers specialize in a specific demographic. We call this “Become The Expert”. Although you can offer more than one service, you want to be known as the expert in just one area.

This is where valuable data comes in. If you follow the data, you can determine what trends your demographics follow. For example, if you live in an area where soccer is big in your community, then you need to determine what offerings you have that can cater to soccer injuries, strength training, and pain management. This is where you focus your expertise, your marketing techniques, and the data you collect that will be targeted toward this demographic.

Marketing with Social Media

Turn your thoughts to communication instead of promotion.

Over the past 10 years, social media as a marketing method has gone up and down, with twists and turns along the way. This will not change in 2023. There is so much volatility in social media that it is hard to know where to go, and how much money to invest. We are also suffering from the illness of social media burnout. Social media is in competition with each other for every ad dollar they can find, creating new paid services that we as consumers are willing to pay for.

With The Marketing Circle in mind, we want to point out that social media falls under the Communication step. Chiropractic Social media is still the best place to find new patients, but the way we have targeted them in the past is through paid marketing. Now people are blocking all ads from showing up in their feeds, reducing the chances of you finding that perfect new customer.

Let’s step up and make social media work for us. We want to find new customers, but we don’t want them to block us. The focus in social media needs to be on communicating with people on a level they can relate to, and trust. According to Harvard Business Review, “People differ in degree to which they feel comfortable sharing data and in having the companies serving them act on that data. Breaking a customer's trust at this level could mean losing that customer - and possibly many other customers - forever.”

This year, we are going to focus our social media content to inspire consumers to start something new by educating them about the features and benefits of a program we offer. We will showcase a specialized and focused service with fact-provided content, such as videos and articles, followed by other services we provide in our area of expertise. With this plan, we are building enough trust to entice people to offer back to us detailed information which we then add to our data mine for future evaluation. With the new data we can then fine point exactly what a targeted community wants and needs from a healthcare provider.

Digital Marketing

With all of this new data, we are able to collect through research and communication with our specific demographics, we can now pinpoint exactly which direction to take with marketing. If you look closely at how we arrived here, you can see that in a small way we were marketing all along. Broad marketing isn’t going to build a business, so we need to start using our information to create a detailed, focused marketing plan. To make things clear, everything is digital marketing today... even when it is not. For example, appointment cards that have your website or social media printed on the front. Or, reminder postcards on birthdays or holidays which have the same digital marketing information found on your website. Information such as IP addresses, location, or even interests can be tracked by evaluating landing pages receiving traffic. The information you provide to customers will tell you a lot about what resonates with them by evaluating which digital resources of yours receive traffic.

Everything we do in clarifying our business and communicating with customers points to our digital presence.

Web Presence

With all of this information, your best starting point is a good website evaluation.

Starting your year with a site evaluation should be top priority on your marketing to-do list. Your keywords can change yearly, if not quarterly or seasonally. Keywords are not just in the metadata of your website, but on pages as well, which means it is vital that you are vigilant in updates to your content.

At the beginning of each year, (at the very least), take some time to read the information on each of your pages and determine if this is what you want patients to think of you. If you are looking for a content refresh, or help with content in general, we have a beginning-of-year website content package. We can do a complete overhaul of your keywords, plus develop on-page content for the pages you feel need updating, saving you time and hassle.

Just changing the images on your website can give it a new, fresh look and show customers (and Google) you are still in business and are ready to be the preferred provider.

Automated emails are a great way to stay in touch with your current customers, as well as past customers. Something as simple as “We miss you” can be a reminder to someone that they need to schedule an update appointment.

Mail Chimp, Constant Contact and many other mass email providers offer wonderful automated tools on their paid plans that can keep your patients updated based on accurate data that they provide. If you offer monthly newsletters, which we highly suggest you do, don't forget to place links to your website and social media, and “share with a friend” buttons.

Automated mass e-mail is a big part of future marketing as long as you don’t use it to spam people with useless information. You will see big changes in the use of emails in 2023.

Marketing Plans

If not already done, creating your 2023 marketing plan should be done soon and should be complete with a generic plan and smart goals set for the whole year. You should also have a 6-month plan to break the yearly goals down into 2 sections. Detail out your goals and how you intend to achieve them. The second half of the year will be for evaluating and adjusting as necessary in order to stay on track for the year. The second half of the year's goals are equally important. The best strategy for new goals is to determine two new projects you can create that will expand your business offerings, organize your processes, or define new paths. You will do the same for the last half of the year as well as evaluate the goals from the first half. Your KPIs and data are the evaluation tools that lead you to build on your path throughout the year.

Monthly marketing plans are the complete breakdown of last year's successes, this year's goals, and details on how you want to achieve the goals. Budgets are then determined by evaluating all of these variables. Marketing without a marketing plan is exactly the same thing as going to school without textbooks, notepads, or pencils. Putting your details down on paper is a commitment to success. Make sure your team understands how to follow the map!

Agile Marketing

Agile marketing is actually an evaluation method that is designed to work for marketing teams with players in each platform used in your marketing plan. We have developed a skeleton crew version of agile marketing for 1 and 2-person teams.

Each marketing plan will create results, and although you may think you know what the results are telling you, you may be surprised when you implement evaluation charts and look at them again. Done correctly, your marketing will be a completed program where every element communicates with each other. Ads communicate with social media, and social media communicates with your website, etc. You may see great success in your Google efforts and think you are doing great, except when you put it on paper and compare it to your website traffic, you may discover you are not doing so well at all. Google may not be sending you leads to work with. If you don’t evaluate, then you don’t know how you are performing, and money becomes irrelevant to your marketing process.

Remember at the beginning of this article when we suggested that marketing is going to become more automated? Well, you can create ways to automate the information you gather and begin to have your own version of Alexa telling you what you need. And it won't be long until you can just ask Alexa to tell you about it. Not only will automation be the new buzzword in marketing for 2023, but communication and inspiration will also be as well. At Marketing Health Academy we offer services to help you with all of your marketing and website needs. We also offer educational materials and subscription services (or 1-time buy) on things such as keyword research or blog writing services. You are welcome to download information ebooks under our resources section, to help you to understand exactly what your needs are. These will help you determine if you have the time and resources to complete marketing for your practice, or if you will need assistance. Give us a call, we are ready to help!


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Chiropractic Social Media - saying the right things

Chiropractic Social Media Marketing: It's not what you say, it's how (and when) you say it.

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Have you lost faith in social media marketing for your chiropractic practice? Sometimes it can feel like a waste of time and that it isn’t helping to grow your business. I’m going to give you a fresh perspective, and hopefully help change your point of view. Social Media for chiropractors is more about how you say something, as opposed to simply what you say. Your goal is to be known as the expert in your field, and to do this you have to look and sound like it. Social media is your platform to present yourself as a professional in the way that people want to see.

Think like a customer

What are your customers doing on social media? One of the best chiropractic social media marketing ideas includes the need to stop and think about what people want to see (or read about). Most viewers on social media are looking for quick videos or some form of inspiration. You need to find a way to tap into that need and get your message across with videos that inspire.  Think video shorts on simple exercises, breathing techniques, and possible stretches to do when you have an injury. Consumers in your demographic are going to stop and watch those. If they are captivated enough they may even contact you, (which should be your goal). Back this concept up with enticing images in follow up posts that remind customers of previous information you’ve already shared.

Become a trendsetter

Social Media is all about followers and friends, and being a trendsetter. So why can’t you be on the trend train as well. Tony Robbins does it with his videos about building business, so you too can do it for being the best chiropractor in your area! Find the social media that everyone runs to every day such as Facebook, Instagram, TicToc…  or any other medium. Build a following with videos and podcasts, or funny weekly jokes.

Some of the funniest, nationwide known posts (and comments) come from a vet in Texas. Locally in my neck of the woods there is a pastor who uses humor in his regular posts on his roadside reader board that are truly inspiring messages of his faith. People drive from the other side of our mountains every week just to read them. Your content doesn’t always have to be educational, but can often be inspirational, or even just fun.

Choose your spot … there is a correct time to be educational. Remember, education doesn’t have to be boring. Know your brand and stay true to it. First and foremost, be professional and knowledgeable. Be sure and include your educational content on your website with a great video, or maybe even an audio file. It never hurts to support educational content with patient interviews.

Social Insights

Knowing which media to use may not always be clear. Simplify this through your insight reports. If you create researched marketing plans each month that track your valuable KPI’s, this information will be readily available for you. It will become much more clear which social media marketing you should be utilizing, including the demographics with age, income, and interests. If you are getting traffic from people who have a high interest in running, then you know that you need to make more content specific to runners.

Call to Action

Don’t forget to bring it all together by inviting viewers to do something. This is the most important part! Your call to action doesn’t necessarily have to be a link to your website. Facebook offers some great tools such as chat, call direct, and of course, a link to your website or a web form. Which one works best for you and your business? (That is a subtle hint that you should probably implement a call to action that works best for your business).

If you have downgraded priority, or given up on your chiropractic social media effort, we have a program to help you get started. Let us get you back on track and teach you a whole new (and maybe even fun) way to bring the masses of social media back to your business. Give us a call or send us a chat on our Facebook page.


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March 2025

Social Media Marketing for Chiropractors: It’s Not What You Say, It’s How (And When) You Say It. Read More »

Demographics for Chiropractic marketing in 2022

Demographic Marketing for Chiropractors in 2022

Chiropractic Tutorial - Tips for finding new customers

Using your benefit marketing tools you can grow your customer base by knowing your demographics and finding the features that relate.

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You want your business to be successful. I get it, so do I. It is always best when you have loyal customers, but the question is how do you find those long term customers? This tutorial is going to show you how to take your features and benefits and set them to specific demographics and products. A perfect marriage of these two makes for long-term customers that are willing to tell their friends and family how great you are. Let's call this "word of mouth" marketing.  When you know the tools and rules of chiropractic demographic marketing you have the information to conquer chiropractic marketing in 2022. In this tutorial, we will be using trends and social profiling to define demographics to help locate your perfect customer, at the right place and at the right time. The converting hook you use comes from step three when you inspire and educate them. Let's get started with demographic marketing.

What Are Your Demographics

According to Demographics are statistics that describe the characteristics of a population, such as age, sex, race, family size, and income.

This is the perfect technical definition but we really need to look at this from a different angle. Let's take the demographic of age. This can be from 0 to over 100. And if we have a service to offer anyone in this age group that would be incredible, but how do we know? If someone is suffering from a sports injury, obviously they would be defined not only by their age but their activity level. How we treat their injury would be different from that of a pregnant mother. In this case, we need to find a service that benefits someone with a sports injury. This is how to benefit marketing for chiropractors begins, with a list of services and their benefits or features.

Benefit Marketing for Chiropractors

For the most part as a chiropractor, you are service-based. Your product is what you can "do" for someone to solve a "problem" they may have. With that information in mind, can you list those services based upon the benefits and features? Does your practice have specialized machinery for a specific service? This would be both a feature and a benefit. What is the perfect patient to benefit from this machine and the service provided along with it? When you arm yourself with tools that are specific to your and your practice you can define whether we need to know the age of our prospective customers. If this is important, we can find the best tool to do this.

Chiropractic Marketing Strategies

When it comes to demographics, you won't find just one tool that is the silver bullet. It takes a combination of tools and insights to create a complete idea of where your next loyal customer is hiding. One of my favorite tools to get started doesn't give any big details but a general idea.

Google is your go-to guide for all things keywords, in this case, we want to take the keyword that best describes a benefit, feature, or service and try and connect it to a specific city or state, and month of the year. For example, riding a bike in Utah is going to be hard to do in January or February. But riding a bike in Arizona during the same months is ideal. Match that information up with an ideal service on your offerings list and you get an idea of who you think your customer target is going to be.

Facebook Insights

You probably have access to many kinds of insight reports, they are on Google analytics and ads, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. You will want to find the one that best fits your personal skill level. You will be checking your insights for more specifics such as age, income, location, and more. By fitting your insights with your trends, alongside your product offerings, you can now draw a map of who and where you need to focus on when filling out the demographics section of your 2022 marketing plan.

When you have a detailed marketing plan that has complete information such as "demographics for benefit marketing", creating the content, advertising and promotions define themselves.

Take the time now to do the research acknowledge your benefits for marketing and put all of the puzzle pieces together for a successful 2022. Good luck and as always if you need help getting started, Marketing Health Academy is here for you.


March 2025

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Chiropractic Marketing Plan Tutorial

Start 2022 Off With A Chiropractic Marketing Plan

Step-By-Step Chiropractic Marketing Plan Tutorial

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For many, winter means it's time to hit the slopes. As a chiropractor winter means it’s time to start treating backs, knees, or whatever the case may be. There is never a shortage of chiropractic needs in the winter! Make sure you start your year off with a great chiropractic marketing plan.

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you write your first 2022 marketing campaign (template included). This tutorial will cover step by step, so please feel free to download the template and follow along!

Let's start at the top. Although business branding belongs under the clarification tier within The Marketing Circle, place it near the top of your marketing plan as a reminder of what consumers think of you. Also, you can find many of the relevant growth KPIs from previous months and years. If you put a summary at the beginning before you start writing you can remind yourself what you are hoping to accomplish. This is also a really good time to introduce to yourself and your staff, and what your best benefits and features are. This is called reputation branding and can be combined with your logos and images.

Another important jumping-off point: SMART goals for your marketing. You can keep things simple and write one main smart goal for the month, or you can take your marketing plan to the next level by writing smart goals for each campaign that you plan on defining in your marketing plan.

Smart Goals are defined by the information they contain and how they are written. If you follow the acronym from top to bottom, your goal looks like this:

Specific (what do you plan on accomplishing, include the product promo, what you like your campaign targets)

Measurable ( move from A to B, ie. increase sales from 100 units to 500 units, increase social media followers from a to b, etc  )

Attainable (Make sure you set B as a challenge, but still attainable.)

Relevant (make sure your goal pertains to a specific campaign or growth)

Time Based (Set a completion date. Make sure there is a place when you can pat yourself on the back)

Once you know what your goals are, it helps to know your demographics. Although this sounds simple, consider your demographics by the "who" and "what", or by your products and services. How do your products/services, with their benefits and features, solve the problems of your demographics?

Now that we have all of that down, let’s get into the marketing methodology for chiropractors.


Clarification is the process of organizing and creating expectations for your marketing plan.


Each product or service has its own set of keywords. Not all keywords are used for SEO. Check out this article on the top 7 uses of keywords. It is best practice to find professionals to create your keyword plans, (Marketing Health Academy can help). However, if you're a Do-It-Yourselfer, Google Adwords has a great keyword tool, or you can find many other free tools on the internet. If you want to find your keywords, remember to think like one of your customers. What would they search for if they were looking for your services?

Link Building

You may not know all of the information that comes with your SEO keywords, but it is all important. When doing an SEO report you may need to know what the domain authority is for any given keyword so that you know what to place as a next level goal. Link building is one of the best (and most dangerous) SEO and keyword marketing tools you have. The more links you have to other pages on your website, the better the keyword becomes for you. However, there is a potential downside: If you overdo it on the backlinks, you run the risk of getting yourself black-listed from Search Engine Optimization Placement (SEOP).


Years ago, #hashtag was one of the greatest buzzwords. Today hashtag marketing has its own set of rules. You can use for some great hashtag statistics that go along with your plan. When thinking hashtag, don't think keyword. Think activity and verb. Things like #backpain, or #stressrelief. Hashtags don't have to relevant to everyone, but they should be to you and to your consumers. I have a family member who uses the hashtag #camrondadadventures. This means nothing to you and I, however is very meaningful to them. As a bonus, if they ever want to find a past post, they can always use that personalized hashtag to aid in the search.

When you have a list of relevant keywords, you can break information down even further by finding keyword trends based upon time and location. If your demographics are local, then you can look by city. When doing paid marketing, you want to get the best return for your dollar. This is easy to do with

Now that you have defined and organized your information, and done your research to get the most successful guidance, you can start putting it all in motion.


Before getting started with the science and action of marketing, let’s talk about a lost art in sales and marketing: relationship-building. Though the world has gone to a digital existence, it is still important to have one-on-one communication with everyone that you come in touch with. If you have a customer take the time to write a bad review, it is your responsibility to acknowledge their concerns and try to resolve them, especially with the whole world watching. Your response to all reviews (and how you respond) will tell potential patients whether or not they can trust you. This is the process of relationship-building without direct contact.

Many of the tools you have at your fingertips on social media don’t come with a financial investment (more on this when we discuss conversion). Reviews, for example, are an important tool that doesn't cost you a penny. Groups on Facebook is another great, cost-free tool you can utilize to provide information of value to your followers.


Consumers who research look for relevant information. They watch videos either for information, for fun, or for inspiration. You will utilize your social media, your videos, and your tutorials to inspire and educate. This is probably the one part of your plan that needs an organized calendar. Although we will discuss that in more detail later, you should at least create your calendar first. Make sure you put a link on the marketing plan to your calendar for easy access.

Now let's talk about content. For years we have heard that content is king. You can add all the content you want, but if you don’t use it for SEO and customer building, it won’t really work at all. However, if you follow the checklist and the rules set up by Marketing Health Academy, you will see great improvements in how your content has worked for you. Keep an eye out for our tutorial (coming soon) which contains the checklist.

Writing blogs is one way to dramatically increase your content offering. The trick is getting a blog to work in your marketing strategy. Blogs should promote SEO by utilizing specialized keywords, titles, descriptions, and links. When well written, it creates a platform of providing educational information that have value for the reader. Add a short video and now it is inspirational as well. Humans, more and more, are a visual breed. Videos are today’s version of cliff notes. Sometimes, a short video is all the viewer has time for.

Now let’s take a moment here to talk about Google My Business. Although GMB should be a subject all by itself, including it in the educational and inspiration describes exactly what it does. For the most part, Google My Business is free advertising. Following are just some of the great things you can do with GMB.

Posting content in Google My Business has virtually unlimited possibilities. They already have templates set up for product offers, event promotions, and more. You can place just about anything in the GMB “What’s New" post! Include links to your blogs, your tutorials, and your downloads. Posting an event is a great place to promote Facebook live chats, or even live instructional. Don't be afraid to get creative when posting in Google My Business! Because Google My Business is your local stop, it brings in local customers, so you don't have to worry about attracting people who could never make it to you.

When consumers research medicine and therapy practitioners, they are sure to check out the reviews as part of their research. Nobody wants to risk a visit to a doctor who has an exceeding amount of negative reviews. Reading reviews can help with questions to ask the doctor that perhaps were not previously thought of. Consumers can get a lot of information from reviews. On the flip side, you can get a lot of information from reviews consumers leave about you as well.

When you think e-commerce you probably think tangible items, but Google my business lets you link services to specific pages on your website where they can acquire more information.

The murky water should be getting a little more clear now. Your digital ecosystem provides credibility for you. The more you are utilizing reviews, the more SEO content you have, and the more you utilize social and development platforms, the more visible you become. Do a Google search to find the best chiropractor for you. You'll notice that beyond the paid results that come up, the chiropractors who have the most visibility tend to come up first.


What it all boils down to: Conversion! The final section of your marketing plan has a two-fold purpose. It helps you to lay out a plan for your marketing dollars, (defines the marketing funnel in order to turn money into leads), by evaluating the past so you can create a future, one detail at a time. The charts you create in the beginning are a comparative from to what transpired the year before, (or last month depending on your growth goals). It also includes a comparative of website data from a previous date and time. Don't worry if you don't have a last year to compare to, you can always begin with a week over week, or a month over month comparison. In the long run, it will be become more beneficial to compare the same time frames year over year. Tracking your progress, or lack thereof, allows you to be proactive in your marketing spend. How can you possibly know how much money to spend, and where you want to spend it, if you don’t have a guide to compare it to?

Take for example your Google campaign to target winter skiing injuries. You know your demographics will be people who ski, and you know how much money you want to appropriate based upon keyword study, demographic study and previous successes.

You'll define specific landing pages for your campaign within your marketing funnel. (Be sure to include the components of “The Marketing Circle” in each landing page you create).

  • Have you defined the purpose of the landing page?
  • Do you communicate your ideas and the deal clearly?
  • What is the offer at hand and does it  have a call to action?
  • What is the final conversion to your marketing campaign?

Once you have a landing page, you can list the steps along the way to move consumers along through your funnel. These steps allow the right consumers to move all the way through the funnel. Your checkpoints are there for you to determine the effectiveness of each phase of the funnel. Place your offering on social media through a weekly post. If you have an email client, make sure you create your mass email. Don’t forget to include any of your other marketing techniques. This is the basic template for each of your specific marketing funnels.

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