The Marketing Circle Step 1: Clarify Your Business
Your Brand Bible
Set Your Brand Standard With a Chiropractic Style Guide
You need to set the tone for your brand. Style is everything to your brand and tells people what your standards are. Some would have you believe that branding is your logo and your color scheme, however it goes well beyond that. Well thought out logos, colors, imagery, fonts, and even overall tone are necessary for you to build a successful brand. With a chiropractic brand style guide, you define what is, and what is not acceptable when it comes to your brand and your style. Never compromise on style.
Select typefaces with the features that maintain consistency within your brand.
Logos and Icons
Set a standard of style and consistency with logos and icons for your brand.
Color Schemes
Set strategic color schemes that are you, and that follow the latest in color theory.
A picture is worth 1000 words. Choose images and video that represent your brand.
Acceptable Use
Set the standard for how your image is portrayed. It is your company, you get to decide.
Tone of Voice
How you say it matters just as much as what you say. Your tone says a lot about you.
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