The Marketing Circle Step Four: Conversion
Front End SEO
Detailed front-end SEO is the process of creating text and images that help a search engine such as Google to index your website to the appropriate categories and queries.
The first thing search engines see is your domain name (as discussed in the domain section). You should have one keyword in your domain name.
Headers come in the format <h1>. They are numbered from 1 - 6. Any header that is listed as an h1 has more relevance that an h6. You should only have one <h1> on a page.
Looking for an image, look at How do you think Google indexes images by keywords? By setting your alt tag, these keywords are indexed based upon the keyword you choose. It is advised to use only one or two in alt tags.
When writing blogs, or content on your website it doesn't hurt to be a little wordy if you are using fillers that have keywords. But this is a tightrope act. If you are repetitive and just keep writing for the sake of writing you can be penalized. Write to your user and be detailed.
There are tools to show you the comparison between your text and your HTML. If you have more HTML that text, this is not relevant writing.
Link building is also a nasty trick. To many links and you get banned from Google, to few and they don't carry any relevance. There isn't a magic number for this. My suggestion is start small and watch your analytics reports. If they are not showing up, add another one. If it is possible have outside sites that are related to you, to link to your site. DO NOT JOIN A LINK FARM.
Google Analytics and Search Tools
SEO doesn't do any good if you don't know how effective it is and what changes need to be made for a more successful outcome. When you use the Agile Method, keep track of your KPI's to use in future evaluations.

Although there are many analytic tools the most common is Google Analytics. When you set up your account you will be asked to place code on your website, if you are using a CMS like WordPress, there are many plugins that make this easy.
Another great tool available from Google is "Search Console". Many detailed evaluations can be found here. If you need more information, search gives you links to tools that help you build your website. What a great tool. Learn more about schemas, site speed, etc.