Chiropractic Social Media - saying the right things

Chiropractic Social Media Marketing: It's not what you say, it's how (and when) you say it.

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Have you lost faith in social media marketing for your chiropractic practice? Sometimes it can feel like a waste of time and that it isn’t helping to grow your business. I’m going to give you a fresh perspective, and hopefully help change your point of view. Social Media for chiropractors is more about how you say something, as opposed to simply what you say. Your goal is to be known as the expert in your field, and to do this you have to look and sound like it. Social media is your platform to present yourself as a professional in the way that people want to see.

Think like a customer

What are your customers doing on social media? One of the best chiropractic social media marketing ideas includes the need to stop and think about what people want to see (or read about). Most viewers on social media are looking for quick videos or some form of inspiration. You need to find a way to tap into that need and get your message across with videos that inspire.  Think video shorts on simple exercises, breathing techniques, and possible stretches to do when you have an injury. Consumers in your demographic are going to stop and watch those. If they are captivated enough they may even contact you, (which should be your goal). Back this concept up with enticing images in follow up posts that remind customers of previous information you’ve already shared.

Become a trendsetter

Social Media is all about followers and friends, and being a trendsetter. So why can’t you be on the trend train as well. Tony Robbins does it with his videos about building business, so you too can do it for being the best chiropractor in your area! Find the social media that everyone runs to every day such as Facebook, Instagram, TicToc…  or any other medium. Build a following with videos and podcasts, or funny weekly jokes.

Some of the funniest, nationwide known posts (and comments) come from a vet in Texas. Locally in my neck of the woods there is a pastor who uses humor in his regular posts on his roadside reader board that are truly inspiring messages of his faith. People drive from the other side of our mountains every week just to read them. Your content doesn’t always have to be educational, but can often be inspirational, or even just fun.

Choose your spot … there is a correct time to be educational. Remember, education doesn’t have to be boring. Know your brand and stay true to it. First and foremost, be professional and knowledgeable. Be sure and include your educational content on your website with a great video, or maybe even an audio file. It never hurts to support educational content with patient interviews.

Social Insights

Knowing which media to use may not always be clear. Simplify this through your insight reports. If you create researched marketing plans each month that track your valuable KPI’s, this information will be readily available for you. It will become much more clear which social media marketing you should be utilizing, including the demographics with age, income, and interests. If you are getting traffic from people who have a high interest in running, then you know that you need to make more content specific to runners.

Call to Action

Don’t forget to bring it all together by inviting viewers to do something. This is the most important part! Your call to action doesn’t necessarily have to be a link to your website. Facebook offers some great tools such as chat, call direct, and of course, a link to your website or a web form. Which one works best for you and your business? (That is a subtle hint that you should probably implement a call to action that works best for your business).

If you have downgraded priority, or given up on your chiropractic social media effort, we have a program to help you get started. Let us get you back on track and teach you a whole new (and maybe even fun) way to bring the masses of social media back to your business. Give us a call or send us a chat on our Facebook page.


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March 2025

Social Media Marketing for Chiropractors: It’s Not What You Say, It’s How (And When) You Say It. Read More »

Chiropractic Social Media creating Chiropractic SEO

Building Chiropractic Social Media While Building SEO

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Several marketing experts have predicted an increased focus on video marketing for Chiropractors in 2022. I am one of those experts. For years, Marketing Health Academy has researched and promoted the use of video in chiropractic social media marketing. Shorter video clips are the latest trend in marketing because they quickly get to the point, are humorous, or both. How does this translate over to chiropractic marketing? First, we need to define what a short video is. Short videos are typically 30-90 seconds in length. They are intended to hold the attention of the viewer just long enough to get the message across. Videos are posted on various platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook. In October 2021, Facebook created its own version of short videos called reels. It doesn't really matter what platform you are comfortable with, the point is to give readers the video option. Take the content to your audience rather than making them go find it.

Your followers are much more likely to watch a quick video than to read a lengthy article or watch a longer-length video. Now, let’s look at the steps to turn your videos into followers and SEO.

It's helpful to think of this process as a great big circular path, similar to “The Marketing Circle” itself. Each step adds value to the next step, all the while using information from the previous step.

Your blogs are an excellent link-building tool for building good chiropractic marketing SEO. They are also a great tool for promoting education and inspiration, Step Three of The Marketing Circle. If you have followed the steps provided in our free marketing e-book, you will already know that it is always best to have a list of SEO keywords before doing any marketing for your practice. SEO keywords are used for more than just SEO purposes, they will be used as a building block for every other marketing step as well. When creating a blog, start with the keywords, and build on them. You can create an educational or inspirational document built entirely around your keywords. The resulting article will have the perfect amount of keywords and key-phrases to grow your chiropractic SEO and help define the purpose of the blog. When designing a blog, be sure you have clear intentions about what you are trying to convey before you begin writing.

2022 Marketing will utilize YouTube as an integral marketing tool. According to the United States National Library for Medicine, studies demonstrated that YouTube videos were more effective than non-video methods in imparting health information. YouTube had a higher impact on recall (knowledge), attitudes, and behaviors when compared to written material on other social media platforms (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, and blogs). Armed with this information we should consider the power of pairing YouTube, blogs, and other social platforms together. Having followed the steps in The Marketing Circle, you have a well-defined and well written blog. The information in your blog can easily be converted into a conversation or interview style video, or an animated/slide show style video. Uploading your short video to your YouTube channel allows you to embed it into your blog or on your website, or to share it to any of your social media outlets as a link to YouTube, or simply as a short. You can also place a link to your blog on your social media, thus giving an indirect link to your YouTube video.

Chiropractic Marketing: Building Social Media While Building SEO Read More »

Social Media Marketing - Turning Negatives into Positives

Turning Negatives Into Positives

With Social Media Marketing

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Building your brand is like life. You decide who you are by defining yourself (Step one, marketing circle). What you want people to think about how honest you are, or whether you have customer relation skills is part of that reputation. We can use all of the steps from The Marketing Circle to do this.

If you ever wondered what is all the hype about social media. Social Media Marketing is building your brand and your reputation.

Admit it, every time a bad review comes in you cringe thinking about the best way to handle it. You could just ignore it and tell yourself that you can’t please all of the people all of the time. Surely your customers could understand that. Except what if they can’t? How about this: Have you had that one question asked that you just can’t answer, and everyone else seems to have the same question? Again, do you just ignore it like it never happened? As hard as these questions are, they are important to care for quickly and with concern.

Scenarios such as these may be why many companies don’t utilize their social media marketing at all. It is hard–and time-consuming–to stay on top of what the community is thinking and saying about you. Our suggestion: Stop and turn that frown upside down! Your brand is what people think of you and your business. It is important to create a positive look in everything you do.

If you look at the 5 simple steps in social media marketing, you can easily turn every negative into a positive, while creating a business brand to be proud of.

Brand = Reputation

Bad Reviews

Nobody likes to get a bad review. They can be very hurtful, but if you think of them as educational material about your demographic and better customer communication flow then a bad review becomes a positive. Put yourself in the place of that patient that came into your clinic for the very first time and went to check-in, but nobody was there. Face it, it happens. Once they come back they walk back to their desk and start back up with their work as if they were never there. This is a perfect example of reviews that we see all the time on social media. How would you handle this? I would start with the issue at hand. Employee training is vital to company success. In this case, it’s ok to not be present at the front desk, but the first rule of customer service is acknowledging every single customer promptly. I’m not here to tell you how to train your employees, instead, I would like to talk about your online response. Using “The Marketing Circle” is a great way to use this as a marketing experience.

First: clarification. Clarify what your customer is saying to you with their bad review. Put the components together and write down what items you would like to acknowledge and what you can do to change them.

Second: Communicate. Respond to every single bad review in a very timely manner with a response that you would like to examine with the current customers’ complaints and anyone else who may have the same concerns. You will be respected more by responding, than ignoring.

Third: Educate and Inspire. This is a great time to ask your customers if their treatment was what they expected. Start a good conversation that keeps your customers engaged in your business on a personal level.

Fourth: Convert. At this point, you can bring this customer and many others back to the process of your service and expertise.

Fifth: Evaluate. Take the time to evaluate what went wrong, and how you benefited from the experience.

After you see the benefits of learning from reviews, remember this can go both ways. If you see a positive review, make sure to respond quickly and with a personalized message.

Controlling a Run Away Post

A run-away post is when you put something on social media and someone comes in with a negative post and runs with it.

These are my favorite negatives because you can use them as an opportunity to educate others about your product or service, become a part of the conversation, and leave with a bunch of new followers. You can be your influencer.

I remember a time when I was running a promo on bath remodels with stone. Someone chimed in and proceeded to explain all of the reasons why you shouldn’t install stone in your bathroom. How do you clean stone? A valid thought, but it doesn’t have to be, consider the only reason that it is difficult to clean your stone, is that it was not sealed properly, if at all. Good sealers come in wet-look, matte, natural, and anti-fungal, as well as an all-purpose stone cleaner. All you have to do is spay it down, let the soap run over the sealer and wipe it off. Without going into more detail, it’s no different than cleaning tile and grout.

Do you remember step 4? We just used step 4 to make an up-sell.

Your reputation is your brand, and your brand is how customers remember you. The negative will always be remembered more than the positive that counteracts it, so the process of turning negatives into positives helps others to leave you with a positive outlook and will not have a reason to tell others that their experience was bad enough to not come back.

Turning Negatives into Positives with Social Media Read More »

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